Saturday, September 27, 2014

Unit 1 Graphs & Charts: Activity 2

Activity 2
In this activity, you will learn how to interpret and understand the data in charts and graphs. You will use this data to answer questions.

1. Read the following information: Pictographs can be difficult charts to read. The most important part of the pictograph is the key. The key tells you what the pictures or symbols represent. Don't be fooled by a pictograph! One picture might represent 2 people or point of data. Read a pictograph carefully, so that you answer the questions correctly.

2. Click here to learn more about line graphs and how to understand the data.  Use the Southeast Elementary username and password to log into BrainPOP Jr.  Type "line graphs" into the search box and watch the video labeled Line Graphs.
Comment on the following question: Why is a line graph a good tool to represent changes in temperature?

3. Click here to learn more about pictographs and how to understand the data.  Use the Southeast Elementary username and password to log into BrainPOP Jr.  Type "pictographs" into the search box and watch the video labeled Pictographs.
Comment on the following question: Why would a pictograph be a good tool to help explain how many animals are on a farm to young kids?

4. Click here to download and print the worksheet. Use the graphs to complete the worksheet and turn it in to Mrs. Clemens.

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